Custom-Branded Telematics with Global Reach

About LHP Telematics

For more than a decade, LHP Telematics has built custom-branded telematics solutions for equipment manufacturers worldwide. Our background, skill sets, and insights make your custom-branded telematics solution from LHP Telematics easy to integrate into your business process.

See an LHP Telematics Transit Solution in Action.

Find out more about how our custom transit telematics systems can make your operation more efficient and effective.

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Proven Expertise

Our team draws on deep expertise in monitoring, logistics, and supply chains to create telematics solutions that get results. With in-depth knowledge of the OEM/Dealer/Customer relationship, and the requirements of heavy equipment manufacturing, LHP Telematics delivers solutions targeted to your unique needs and requirements.

Global Service

LHP Telematics serves customers in more than 50 countries around the world. Our solutions are global and scalable—so as your business expands, your LHP Telematics solutions go with you.

Custom-Branded Telematics

In addition to performance customization, LHP Telematics designs completely custom-branded telematics solutions. Your custom-branded telematics platform fits seamlessly with your organization’s needs and corporate visual standards, making it easier to integrate with your marketing objectives.

Custom Telematics for your Application.

Learn more about LHP Telematics, or get a free demo to see our solutions in action. Our flexible, custom telematics systems serve equipment manufacturers, dealers, and transit customers of all sizes.